Everything You Need To Know About Mass Tort Lawsuits

Mass Tort

What is Mass Tort?

A “mass tort” case seeks restitution for widespread harm. Although a mass tort is similar to a class action, where the negligent party has harmed a wide number of people. The harm caused by the negligent party is the basis for the lawsuit (e.g., a prescription drug, a medical device, a defective product, a train accident, a plane crash, pollution, or a construction disaster).

Mass torts include, intentional iniquity, negligence, strict liability, and product liability. When these actions are filed, they end in substantial settlements or verdicts. Above all, suing a mass tort lawsuit enables to request recompense for the harm or injuries sustained, which also counts the medical expenses and financial sufferings.

How does an attorney approach the Mass tort case?

The mass tort attorneys review all the information’s about the harm or damages caused which is in mentioned in the medical records and analysed by a process of medical record review. As a result of the evidence collected, the attorneys review the similarity of the damages caused to the other people injured the same. The multiple plaintiffs involved are not required to file their case at the same time or even meet throughout the mass tort lawsuit.

How does a Mass tort case is approached?

In the case of Mass tort, the injured person medical history is reviewed completely. The initial focus is to distinguish the uniformity of the case. Then the attorneys consolidate the mass torts claims. Further the bellwether trials were performed. Finally, the lawsuit reaches the settlement or the resolution of the injury caused by the negligent.

How a medical record is reviewed in Mass tort case?

In a mass tort lawsuit, the people injured have a similar claim against one product, drug, company, disaster, policy and so on. The medical records review in the mass tort case with a perceptual focus on:

  • Causation of injury: The scientific evidence of a causal evident between product use or exposure and the harm claimed.
  • Demographic Identification.
  • Medical procedure data.
  • Product ID: Helps to identify when a large number of people file lawsuits for identical damages caused by the same product.

Plaintiff fact sheet preparation: Each medical event entered in the plaintiff fact sheet must be supplemented with authorized medical records, which is also quite time-consuming

  • Evaluate questionnaires for medical merit and clinical issues.
  • Determine which medical records are pertinent to mass litigation.

By collecting the medical records, they are organized and they are chronologically arranged. Further reviewing results in the collection of the evident data which helps the attorneys to make the lawsuit more authentic.

Types of Mass Tort Lawsuits That Require Chart Review:

  • Product Liability Lawsuits Involving Hazardous or Dangerous Products:
  • Defective Medical Devices and Drugs:
  • Exposure to Poisonous or Toxic Substances.
  • Natural Disasters/Man-Made Disasters.

Stages in Mass Tort Lawsuit Claim Processing:

The Key Role of Medical Records and Plaintiff Face sheet:

Medical records are important in each stage of litigation. The information must be abstracted from the medical records of the person injured by the process of medical record review. These analysed report are prepared in order to help the attorneys to utilize the information analysed.

As discussed it has more plaintiffs harmed by a same product, in such cases the same harm caused either directly or indirectly determines the claim to be resolved or settled.

Why Aezen?

Aezen, as a team we provide the most prominent and evidently analysed and reviewed medical information of the provided medical records with efficiency and best quality with quick turnaround time. By focusing on the core problems, we provide the essential information of the projects. We do provide the customized services upon the projects requirements. We provide the services that brings out the substantial medical record review for the attorneys.

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