PDF bookmarking is a navigational tool for easy access of the required section in the medical records. It helps to quickly locate the needed information in the medical record.
In Aezen Solutions, we are handling two levels of book marking mechanism – level 1 and level 2. Primary medical records for a visit/case are bookmarked under level 1. A subset of relevant medical records (if any) are bookmarked under level 2 of particular case/visit. Our two level bookmarks system help our client to navigate the required section/subsection very easily. Also it avoids the confusion of huge stack of bookmarks.
We customize the bookmarks based on client needs. Our bookmarking services includes:
- Chronological bookmarks- Bookmarking based on sequence of date of medical events.
- Provider/facility wise bookmarks- Bookmarking based on provider/Facility (Facility X, Facility Y, Facility Z).
- Record type bookmarks-The received medical records will be merged and sorted. Bookmarks will be created for type of record/visit. (Office Visit/Follow-up visits, Radiology reports, Operative reports, Therapy reports, Consultations, etc).
We include hyperlinks in our summary for each chronological medical events. Our hyperlinks helps the reader to navigate instantaneously to the source of medical records from where the content is retrieved. This service is complimentary for medical records above 1000 pages.
We re-arrange the received medical records in the order of time/provider/type of medical events based on clients requirement. Our PDF sorting service is time efficient for clients, which helps the reader to understand the sequence of medical events easily and in a short time.
- The records are paginated and bates stamped.
- A detailed index is produced into a PDF file.
Missing Record Identification
Our add on service includes identifying the missing medical records which the paralegals or attorneys may have missed while record retrieval.
- Document review captures provider name, date of service, next appointment, medical bills and gaps in treatment which are matched against provided records.
- A detailed list of missing records to retrieve is forwarded including dates, providers, the record type and their importance to case analysis.
Treatment Timeline
This service involves a graphical representation of sequencing of crucial medical events against the timeline.
Medical Bills
Medical billing is a payment practice within the United States health system. The process involves a health care provider submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payments for service rendered such as treatment and investigations.
- In Aezen Solutions Medical billings are sorted and expenses are recorded in excel format.
- Our medical billing record includes, details like date of visit, treatment rendered, facility details and cost involved.
- By evaluating the medical bills in the received medical records, attorneys can estimate the cost rendered for the particular injury of their client.
Pain and suffering chart
Pain and suffering comes under general damages for the claimant. General damages covers pain and suffering that is the injured persons discomfort, physical pain, emotional distress, anxiety, stress that is linked to his accident and injuries.
Our pain and suffering chart are delivered in a searchable excel format including below details:
- Date.
- Facility Name/Provider Name.
- Chief complaints, and location of pain, pain scale rating.
- Pain medications prescribed, dosage, frequency, refilling details.
- Assessment/plan.
- Prognosis.
- Page reference.
Pain medication chart
The pain medication chart is an excel sheet highlighting what pain medications were prescribed and in what quantity they were prescribed for patients injuries in a long term. This helps to convince the defendant and insurance adjuster that the injuries are serious.
Another useful aspect of pain medications are it helps the attorney to determine whether the patient has suffered any injury due to pain medication overdose.
Our pain medication chart notes details such as:
- Date.
- Provider who prescribed the medications.
- Complaints for which it was prescribed.
- Pain rating/location of pain.
- Pain medications, dosage, frequency, number of refills.
- Any adverse effect of pain medications to patient.
- PDF Reference.
Our pain medication chart are delivered in a searchable excel format.
Medical synopsis
Medical Synopsis is a precise and informative overview of the claimant’s medical history. Attorneys often have a lot of medical records, but lack time and exposure. Attorneys can use the Medical Synopsis we provide to learn what happened to the patient and what the merit of the case is. Finally, you will get an idea of how to proceed with the case, without losing any time on it.